
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DIY Food Decorations and Labeling

Since I will be having a pink and green tea party I am trying to use them as much as I can. We will be keeping the guest list small with only a few other little girls and family. I wanted a cute way to decorate and label the food and this is what I came up with:

DIY Food Labels 

1. Paper
2. Stencils or letter stickers
3. Scissors
4. Ruler

1. I counted how many letters I will need to label the food so that I knew how long to make the label.
2. I measured the paper and cut it to size.
3. The scrapbook that I found to use for the decorations came with letter stickers and that is what I used for the letters. If you don't have them you could just write it out with a pen or marker but the stickers made it a lot easier.
4. I next found the middle of the paper and if the food had an odd number of letters then I put the middle letter in the middle of the paper and worked my way out putting the stickers next to each other to make sure the word is centered.

On the day of the paper I will just take the labels and use some double sided tape to attach them to the serving bowls or plates. Here are some of the other ones that I made.

DIY Cup Cake Decorations

I decided I wanted to do cup cakes for her birthday instead of the a large cake because that are easier to make and people eat them more.

1. Paper
2. Stencil for shape of decoration
3. Scissors
4. Tape
5. Toothpick
6. Glue
7. Letter stencil or pen/marker for letters

1. First I picked out the paper that I wanted to use for the Cup Cake Decorations and then I picked out the shape I wanted to make it out of. The scrapbook that I bought to make the decorations out of had this stencil and I thought that it would be cute. You can really use any shape that you want.

2. I then traced the stencil onto the paper and then cut them out.
3. I then popped out the letters from the stencils to use on the flowers I cut out and glued them to it.

4. Next I taped the toothpick onto the back of the flowers.

I spelled out the words Happy Birthday and then a few with just some celebrations words. I will put the cup cakes on a stand and then I will put these decorations on top to finish the look :)
Here are what some of them looked like!

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