
Monday, August 20, 2012

Basic Shopping List

I always do my shopping for two weeks all at one time and I use this shopping list to make it easier. If you want to know more about how I plan and shop for all our meals just once every two weeks here is the link:

Meal Planning and Shopping On a Budget DIY Mom

When I do my shopping list for the two weeks I start by planning my menu for the two weeks and then I refer back to my basic shopping list that I have saved on the computer. I have it set up in a table so that I can keep track of my basic ingredients I need each time I go shopping and how much it normally cost me. As I find new recipes I add the ingredients to the list when I get home from shopping with the price so that next time I know how much it will cost me to make that recipe. I like doing this because I just check what I need for my shopping list and then I can calculate how much it will approximately cost me. I then can change meals if I need to to stay under budget or I can add a few items if I have some extra money to work with.

Here is what my shopping list looks like:

Once I have everything I need on the list I can just print this off and take it with me to the store to refer back to. Then I know if something is cheaper or has gone up in price.

I hope this helps! You can make your own shopping list that fits your family and use it to help you save money as well!

Happy Shopping!

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